WHO: Who is seeKING. Inc.?
seeKING. Inc. is a group of brothers in Christ that have been joined together by a common love for and belief in Jesus Christ.
WHY: Why do we exist?
seeKING. Inc. exists to empower men through the Word of God and our shared experiences. The role of men is vital to the order established by God. As the Word says, at the head of man is Christ, and at the head of Christ is God (1 Cor. 11:3). We recognize the importance of our role as it pertains to our respective realms of influence, starting within our households, within our churches, our neighborhoods, our communities, our state, our nation and this world.
WHAT: What is it that we do?
We do that work through a plethora of initiatives and activities. From bible studies to bi-weekly fellowships to morning devotionals. From children’s devotionals to juvenile-facility ministry; to community outreaches and speaking engagements. We are learning, mentoring, leading, discipling and shaping men into the kings that He has called us to be.
WHEN: When was it started?
seeKING. originally began as a “Bible study” on February 9th, 2016 when three friends reconnected to discuss life and how their lives were being dramatically impacted and transformed by Christ and the Word of God. From that shared experience of growing in their walks with Christ back in 2016, seeKING. has since expanded and grown to reaching more than 100 men since that time. Since that first meeting in 2016, the group has met consistently every other week for the past seven years (with only one week missed due to COVID)!
WHERE: Where is seeKING. Inc. located?
seeKING. Inc. is currently operated primarily out of Prince George’s County, Maryland. However, we have brothers connecting with us from all across the country.
HOW: How has seeKING. Inc. been able to do everything it does?
Simply put, by the power and the presence of God. Rev. 12:11 says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” We believe that as long as we trust God with our all, lean not to our own understanding and acknowledge Him in all of our ways, He will direct our paths. We have overcome and we believe we will continue to overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimonies as we share that with the world at large.